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3.5.20 Some photos of your work this week: well done Lucy, Eddie, Gaby, Joanna and Samuel!

Friday 1st May


It's May already! Spring has certainly sprung - the trees are covered in vibrant green leaves and my seeds are beginning to grow! I'm not sure where the sun went though!


In Maths today you will be using your knowledge of negative numbers from yesterday to solve word problems interpreting data from a graph. There are the usual mild and hot tasks and an investigation for anyone who wants a challenge!


In English you are going to read some newspaper reports about fish with accents! You will then work on your own headlines. I hope you enjoy it!
For Art, I thought it would be good if you could create a rainforest collage. Think about the materials you will use - you could collect them on a walk - or even make your collage whilst you're out and about and take a photograph of it - you could use sticks, twigs, leaves, feathers. Don't worry about glueing it onto paper - just create and photograph - you can leave it there for someone else to find on their walk. You may prefer to use resources you find at home - its entirely up to you - let your imagination run wild! We made this a few year ago, whilst its not a picture as such it gives you the idea!
PHSE: Whilst we are still in very uncertain times, its good to have a bit of positive thinking: read through this powerpoint and do some of the activities.


More great work from you today Beech class! Here are some photos of butterflies made by Joanna; Erin, Elliot and Ruby's RE; Lillie, who has been gardening and Ruby's super-cute puppy Roxy.

Thursday 30th April


Maths: To calculate using negative numbers in the context of temperature - use the powerpoint with audio to remind you how to do the calculations then try mild (year 4 + orange group), hot (green+blue group). Do the Check Your Understanding if you have time. It was lovely to hear lots of you saying that you have been trying both sets of tasks - keep up the good work and challenge yourself!


English: Using adverbs of certainty (I'm sure you all know what these are!)


RE: Look at the 2 paintings of the Baptism of Jesus. Think about the similarities and differences. Christians believe that God is "three in one" - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - what evidence do you see of this in the paintings?

Now do your own painting or drawing of the Baptism of Jesus which includes symbols for the voice of God and the Holy Spirit. I'd love to see your paintings - email them to me at the usual address!



If you've read a book and there isn't a quiz for it on AR, you can send them a form to request a quiz - it takes a little while (maybe a week, usually) for them to create the quiz, but they usually email to say it's there! Use this link:

Spellings I hope you did your Wordy Wednesday practise for list 6? Please do your test today and email me with your results.

Wednesday 29th April

I hope to talk to you on the phone today, but meantime, here are today's lessons:


Maths - using subtraction to solve word problems. Year 4 and orange group do the mild tasks, green and blue group do the hot task. Try the investigation if you have time.



For English you will be looking at the features of a newspaper article and writing your own article called "Next Tuesday".


Computing: Please do the next Thinkuknow lesson. The date on the sheet is incorrect, so don't let that throw you - it is lesson 3!


I've heard from lots of you that you have been enjoying Duolingo - spend some time revising words you have learned and learn a few more! Let me know how many XP you earn today...can you beat Eddie's amazing score of 470 in a day? Bonne chance!






I've had so many photos and emails from you all today - so lovely to see what you've all be up to. I've had a quick look at Accelerate Reader and wanted to congratulate those of you who have finished books and completed quizzes: Howie has done 5 quizzes and earned 38 points; Arthur has done 2 quizzes and earned 18 points; Beaumont has done 3 quizzes and earned 13 points; Samuel has done 3 quizzes and earned 5 points; Baptiste has done 2 quizzes and earned 4 points and Sarah has done one quiz which earned her 27 points! (it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).

Come on year 5 - year 4 are showing you up! Well done to Sarah though - have you got another HP on the go yet?

Here is the link to AR if you're raring to take a quiz but don't know how to get there:

Great work from Lucy, Arthur, Beaumont and Howie

Tuesday 28th April


For Maths today you will be studying written subtraction - using decomposition and counting up. Work through the powerpoint to start with - remember to go into "slideshow" to make the animations work. Year 4 + orange group please complete the mild task; green + blue group please complete the hot task. If you finish try the investigation.

For English today you will continue working on the frog story. You will need to practise punctuating speech correctly, then carry on with the story.

In Topic, we are carrying on with our learning about Rainforests. Today we focus on the 4 layers of the forest. Look at the powerpoint, then complete the 3* activity from the sheet.

You might also like to look at these KS3 BBC clips, which explain about the layers of the Rainforest (up to 03.04 on the second one):   

I was lucky enough to visit the Rainforest in Borneo a couple of years ago and we went on a walkway above the canopy - it was incredible!


Some photos from Borneo - what is different about how the layers of the forest are explained here? Izzy found it incredibly hot, but still managed to plant a seedling on the forest floor!

Joanna's Home Learning and new bike!


Ruby and her sister have been playing netball too. I wonder if they scored more goals than my girls?



Still image for this video
Can you count how many goals each of the girls scored and tell me who the winner is?

Monday 27th April


This week we are continuing with the Hamilton plans for Maths and English as you seem to have worked well with them. Thank you to those of you who have been sending in pictures of your work and telling me what you've been doing. If you haven't sent anything yet, find the piece of work you are most proud of and get your parents to email me a photo of it.


Maths today is column addition of 4 and 5 digit numbers. There is a powerpoint to start you off. Year 4 and orange group try the mild task and green and blue try the hot task. You might also have time for the investigation. Remember to place each digit in the correct column and keep your work neat to avoid mistakes (you know who you are!!).


It looks like you had a lot of fun with Skimbleshanks last week in English! This week we are looking at a story called "Tuesday" - today you will work on a storyboard and write some interviews for a detective. You will also look at modal verbs - who can remember what these are before beginning the lesson?

For Science we are continuing with "Making new plants". You may have planted potatoes, have strawberry plants growing in your garden, or even geraniums - I just bought some (from Sainsburys) to grow in my flower beds. If you have, have a go at creating new plants from cuttings...

Please read the powerpoint and do the activity sheets - choose which level you want to try (you will only be able to do the second one if you have geraniums or similar - ask your parents).


You may also like to look at for a bit of revision - watch: Anatomy of a Flower, Parts of a Plant and What is Pollination and how does it work. Thanks to Gaby for the suggestions!

