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Church of England Primary School

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Friday 14th May


Hello Everybody!


This week has given us lots of opportunities to demonstrate our creativity in different ways:


  • In Literacy, Mrs Short introduced us to Shakespeare's famous narrative poem, 'The seven Ages of Man (also known as 'All The World's a Stage'), delivered as a monologue by Jaques in the play 'As You Like it'. After discussing the meaning of each part, we then wrote and illustrated our own modern versions of this poem. There were some really super pieces of work produced and everyone's poem is now on display in class. A selection can also be seen below.
  • In French, we completed our short stories using the present tense of -ER verbs. Some of our stories were quite dark, whilst others were very funny and they are all beautifully illustrated. See below for some examples. Again, all our work will be going on display in school. We also did some practice at using a bi-lingual dictionary correctly - especially finding the correct class of word and not using a noun in place of a verb and vice versa.
  • We were also lucky enough to enjoy a very entertaining yet educational performance from The Fantastic Fred Experience this week. Fantastic FRED is a resource targeted at delivering preventative mental health education in schools for children in reception and Years 1 to 6. It is specifically designed to inform, equip and build resilience with simple, memorable and practical ways that young children can look after their mental health. 


The letters in FRED’s name represent the areas of educational focus:



Eating the right foods



Getting enough sleep



Being active



Managing time on digital devices


Everyone has been keeping a close eye on the school chicks this week. They are growing at a very speedy rate of knots, so much so that an extension had to be added to their cage to give them more room to move and spread their wings. They will no doubt be very happy to move outside to their new enclosure once Mr File and Mr Elgar have finished it and made it secure from foxes.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend despite the weather forecast for rain most of the time. No gardening for Mrs Godden this weekend then!


Best wishes


Mrs Short and Mrs Godden



Some of our Seven Ages of Man poems and French short stories
