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Church of England Primary School

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Week 1 01.06.2020

Hi to all parents and children and welcome back to the last term of what has been the most surreal year for us all!  We hope that you have all managed to enjoy the half term break, and are ready and feeling positive to continue with the home learning.  Please remember that we are only an email or a phone call away if you have any queries or concerns regaring your child's learning. 

This term us teachers and TAs will be back in school during our normal working days, but will continue to post learning on here as before, and can continue to keep in contact with you.  Our expectation for the children this term is that they are continuing to read as much as possible, be practising their times tables and their spellings.  We would like some maths and english to be completed each day, and to complete learning for the other subjects at some point during the weeks ahead.  

We would still love to hear from you more often - the last couple of weeks had been very quiet.  A weekly email with a couple of pieces of your work attached, or photos of you doing some activities (doesn't have to be anything we've set) would be appreciated.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Hall and Mrs Hams

New Spellings for Friday 5th May


Please continue with the challenges from the Kent school games website.

Also, have a look at the PE games shed They also have a YouTube channel.  There are lots of free ideas here. This website also has many ideas that you could follow.

Please have a go, and let us know what you've been doing.



Please continue to use the Charanga website to listen to and appraise different music, as well as sing many songs.

Also, this is a good website that gives you links to many other websites that are free for parents to use at the moment.

Topic - The land of Brazil


* Discuss where in the world Brazil is and what the country is like.

* Read and share the Brazil fact sheet.

* Complete the 2 map activities.

* Complete the short quiz about Brazil.

* Use the PPT about physical and human features that are found in Brazil, to discuss the defintions and use as a quiz.

Computing - Film making

This term we would've completed this unit in small groups - so family members may be needed!

Session 1 - Planning and content

* Use the prompt sheet to start planning the film that you will produce, direct and maybe star in.

* Consider the type of film you willl make and use the 'Things to think about' list on the sheet.

* Mind map or bullet point a list of ideas that you have.

* Think about the location and use of props.  Are you going to film people, toys or puppets?

* What device do you have access to that you can film on?  


Film making prompt sheet

PSHE - Identities - Use the PPT to discuss your thoughts and create a poster by hand or using a computer program.

RE - What does a journey mean to us?


* Think about your normal journey to school.  Draw a map of this.  Think about who keeps you safe on that journey, and who is waiting at school to guide you.

* Think about the changes in your life and the hope and expectations you have for your future.  Use an example of a growing tree to record where you are now in your life, and what you might achieve in the future.

For example: The roots - people and groups that give you strength and inspiration and keep you safe.

                    The trunk - where you are now in life.

                    The leaves - Your hopes and dreams.

* Think about how each of us take a journey through life, and some take a religious journey.

* Make a list of important things that have happened to you so far in your life, Eg: Being born, starting school.  Why are these important?  Are some more important than others?

* What milestones will you encounter in life?  Eg: Graduating, passing a driving test.  Write these down, and think about which are the most important to you.

*  What journey of life ceremonies do you know from other religions?  Note any questions that you may have about these.

It's great to see you finding creative ways to take a break- Here's Sienna camping in her garden!

Saul has been enjoying creating superhero artwork this week!

Miles isn't letting lock down stop him learning a new instrument!

Eli took it upon himself to create a fantastic story where he used excellent vocabulary and exciting descriptions, well done Eli!
