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Church of England Primary School

Respect - Support - Inspire

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Our Curriculum

As soon as you cross the threshold at Elham School, you get the most amazing feeling of warmth, happiness and excitement.  There is an energy in the air that the children spark, and you will hear a buzz of chatter linked to the activity they are engaged in at the time.

At Elham, of course, we focus on learning, but we also have the well being of our whole community at the centre of all we do.  Everyone cares about everyone, and we are often described as one big happy family! 


We believe in providing a curriculum where everyone can thrive; everything; everything we do is built around the needs and interests of the children within our school.  We want them to love learning, be confident, self-aware, positive, happy and kind. We strive for them to have the skills and knowledge they need to make positive contributions to our future society.

Curriculum Intent


Our curriculum aims to:


  • Ensure that all pupils have access to a broad, balanced curriculum for excellence based on the National curriculum.
  • Ensure quality curriculum content of each subject is sequential and builds on prior learning.
  • Be relevant to each child in the school, regardless of their age, gender, individual circumstances or academic ability.
  • Has some fluidity to ensure that children with additional needs may access the curriculum in different and often very practical ways, whilst also ensuring that those children who attain ‘greater depth’ standards are challenged, inspired and have a thirst for knowledge.

How do I know what children are learning at Elham Primary School?


To find out what children are learning at our school, look at the MEDIUM TERM PLANNING BY CLASS.  Each class's learning is broken down into terms and then subdivided into all the different subjects in this section.

You can also look at the LONG TERM PLANNING BY SUBJECT.  These documents set out the sequence of learning for the children in each specific subject.  You can see what they have previously learnt, what they are learning now and what they will be learning next!

To find out the specifics of each subject, take time to look at the SUBJECT PROGRESSION documents.  These have been created to set out clearly what the children will learn in each year group, in each subject.

