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Church of England Primary School

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Term 6

Week 7

Week ending  22.7.22


How exciting to end the year on a palindromic date!


What an incredible ending to the year - the hottest day ever recorded in this country and an OFSTED inspection!  The children were amazing as always and a credit to the school.


We performed in The Queen's Platinum Jubilee concert (again in sweltering heat); Willows loved dancing and singing to 'Let's Twist Again' by Chubby Checker and thoroughly enjoyed learning The National Anthem in Makaton.


Thank you very much for all the very kind messages and very generous presents I have received to mark my retirement from Elham School. My Willow Tree will be a constant reminder of the loveliest children it has been my pleasure to know. It has been a great privilege to teach your wonderful children - I have loved every minute of it! 

Thank you for being such amazing, supportive parents: we are truly a team effort in Willows!


Los of love,


Genny x



