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Church of England Primary School

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Star of the week

This weeks 'star of the week' is Ivy. You have really impressed us this week. You have been so focused on your learning and you have always been ready to learn. You were fabulous during our oral rehearsal of our talk for writing story 'Walter's Wonderful Web.' Well done Ivy.   

Reading books

 Please return reading books and reading records every Friday. New books will be sent out on a Monday. Many thanks.

In maths, we have been looking at the + and = signs and using these to read and write simple addition number sentences. 

In topic this week we have been learning about the poppy as a symbol of Remembrance. We read 'Where the poppies now grow' by Hilary Robinson and Martin Impey and talked about why poppies are sold at this time of year.


We looked at modern day artists who have used poppies in their artwork and then created our own poppy field using our fingerprints. 

In maths this week we are learning about teen numbers.  We have talked about how teen means ten and so fourteen is a ten and four ones.  We have made teen numbers practically with tens sticks and ones and also with the numicon.  Some of us have looked at pictures of tens and ones and also 10p and 1p pieces.

Julian these are for you to try at home!

Guess the sound!

Making moving pictures with paper springs
