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Church of England Primary School

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Today we took a glove and cut the fingers and thumb off!.  Then we tried to share the fingers and thumb  out equally into two groups.  The children found it wasn't possible because 5 isn't an even number.  So we have added two new lines to our rhyme today:


Zero, two, four, six, eight

Even numbers are so great.

One, three, five, seven, nine

Odd numbers are friends  of mine.


We have sorted number cards into odd and even numbers and then investigated numbers to see if they can be grouped evenly, using hoops to share them out.

Weeding, planting seeds and observing germination.


Today we have been looking at grouping objects in to equal groups '3 groups of 4' '2 groups of 5' etc. The children have found this very challenging so we will continue with this in tomorrows lesson before we start adding the groups together. 


We spent our afternoon looking at all the different features of the seaside to sort into two categories, 'physical featues' and 'human features'. We were quite divided on some of them but all have a better understanding now. 


We talked abut how the earth belongs to everyone and it is our job to look after it. The children made some lovely posters informing people how we can look after our planet and protect it. 
