- Diary entry from Samuel Pepys – description of setting – expanded noun phrases
- Book review and character profile –‘Diary of a killer Cat’
- Retelling story from different viewpoint, using past tense and progressive form
- Using adjectives and adverbs
- Practise cursive handwriting joins.
- Diary of a killer Cat
- The Great Fire Of London
- ‘The Wolf’s Story’ compare with The Three Little Pigs
- ‘Yeh Shen and the Magic Fish’
- Verb tenses, adding ‘ing’, adding ‘ed’
- Different spellings of long vowel phonemes for ‘air’, ‘are’, ‘ere’, ‘ear’; Homophones
- Different spellings of long vowel phonemes for ‘or’, ‘oor’, ‘aw’, ‘au’, ‘ore’
- Compound words; ‘wh’, ‘ph’ and ‘ch’; syllables; ‘er’, ‘ir’ and ‘ur; spell words with common prefixes – ‘un’ and ‘dis’
- Counting in sequences of one, two, three, five and ten, odd and even numbers
- Record number sentences using +, -, x and division.
- Number bonds to ten and 20, addition doubles to at least 10+10, together with corresponding halves.
- Multiplication facts of 2x, 5x, 10x and 3x tables, with corresponding division facts.
- Properties of 3D shapes
- Telling the time to ¼ to and at 5 minute intervals
- Giving change and equivalent money amounts.
- Fractions – halves, quarters, three quarters and thirds. Equivalent fractions
- Investigate and solve maths problems and puzzles
- Handling data, including bar charts, Carroll and Venn Diagrams
- Materials and their uses- investigate different materials and their properties
- Experiment with different materials to see if they are waterproof
- Link to building materials at time of The Great Fire of London 1666
- Seasonal changes – record temperature in Winter and Spring Class Books and update weather chart daily
- Take part in RSPB Birdwatch survey – link to recording in bar charts
- The Great Fire of London 1666
- How did it start? Where did it start? Why did London burn? How do we know? How did they put it out? What happened after the fire?
- Location knowledge – where is London? Map of the UK
- Name and locate 7 continents and 5 oceans
- Exploring buildings through rubbings and printing
- Structures –designing and making fire engines and Tudor /Stuart buildings
- Song ‘London’s Burning, sung as a round. Using percussion instruments to make rhythms- glockenspiels and xylophones
- Learning to play the Ocarina
- Greetings and numbers in French
- Linked to R.E. – being kind and forgiving
- Differences in male and female animals